This USB relay controller / data acquisition module allows computer controlled switching of external devices as well as full bi-directional communication with the external world (ideal for Data Acquisition applications) using the USB port of your computer. In addition, it is compatible with the Dallas/Maxim DS18B20 temperature sensors.The controller is very flexible and can be used in many custom applications including weather stations as well as temperature monitoring, logging and control.It is compatible with both Windows and Apple OS X, as well as various Linux flavors and appears as a USB CDC (Communications Device Class) device that creates a Virtual Serial (COM) port allowing easy communication with the board through any programming language that supports serial communications (VB, VB.NET, C#, C, C++, Perl, Java, etc). A complete set of easy to use commands are available for complete control of all relays, I/O channels and sensors.The controller provides four relay outputs with a current rating of 10A each. In addition, it provides a 6-channel Input/Output interface, with each channel individually configurable as Digital Input, Digital Output, Analog Input (10-bit Resolution), or Temperature Sensor (Dallas/Maxim 1-Wire DS18B20 series). In Digital Input/Output modes, each channel can support a TTL compatible or ST (Schmitt Trigger) input (depending on the channel) or a 5V output signal.In Analog Input mode, each channel can convert a voltage of between 0 to 5V (or higher voltage using a voltage-divider) into a 10-bit digital representation.Finally, in Temperature Sensor mode, each channel can be connected to a Maxim/Dallas DS18B20 series 1-Wire Digital Temperature Sensor (sold separately) .Supported Commands:RELx.ONRELx.OFFRELx.TOGGLERELx.GETRELS.ONRELS.OFFRELS.GETCHx.ONCHx.OFFCHx.TOGGLECHx.GETCHx.SETMODECHx.GETANALOGCHx.GETTEMPCHS.ONCHS.OFFCHS.GETCHS.SETTEMPRESSETIDABOUT